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Permaculture Design Certificate Course DVD Collection

Ferment and Human Nutrition
6 July, 2016
Ferment and Human Nutrition
6 July, 2016

Permaculture Design Certificate Course DVD Collection

P ermaculture Design Certificate Course DVD Collection

13 DVD’s covering 60 hours of pure instructions from Bill Mollison (plus some of Bill’s amazing stories) in concert with Geoff Lawton – filmed in 2005 at the University of Melbourne.

B ill was determined Permaculture design strategy expansion would not be reliant on him. Early-on he set to filming himself presenting the PDC. But before he could ever finish filming a request for help would arrive to which he couldn’t say no. This never diluted his devotion to having the PDC recorded. In 2005, friend and Permaculture advocate, Tony Watkins pulled it together with a professional camera crew of three to record Bill and Geoff Lawton presenting the PDC to some eighty students at University of Melbourne.

Those who partook experienced Bill in his capacity as educator, intellect stimulator, passion builder, and storyteller. Bill believed all of us are capable to make and or instigate beneficial, intelligent change. He instilled passion, optimism and drive to become a person capable of creating landscapes and human settlements we all wish to live in. And very importantly teaching others to do so.

The DVD collection seems to be suitable for use with any DVD player these.

Product Features: 13 DVD’s containing 60 hours of pure instruction